Jafar Saberi / Now it's time to go

ساخت وبلاگ

Jafar Saberi / Now it's time to go


Jafar Saberi / Now it's time to go

Jafar Saberi / Now it's time to go

داستان پناهندگان؛ تصاویر دردناک سال ۲۰۱۵


Jafar Saberi / Now it's time to go

Did you know that 1583979 thousand people of Afghanistan, friends of the country, are friends and brothers of Iran, and you know that 11 thousand of them are Iranian university students! Did you know that 36 thousand Afghan students study in Iranian schools! Did you know that two thousand martyrs were in Iran? The sacred defense days of our loved ones were Afghan. Weighing 2 percent of the Iranian population is Afghani, and the most frequent Afghan refugees are Tehran, Khorasan Razavi, Esfahan, Khorasan, Razavi, Esfahan, Fars, respectively. Of these, 53 percent Man and 47% are women. Do you know that Iran is among the first drawer

Unfortunately, in most of the countries where refugees live, even our advanced Western and European countries are witnessing the hostile and often inhuman behaviors of their hosts, and unfortunately sometimes we hear compassionate reports from inside Iran that all the efforts of the authorities, especially the people I was in Tajikistan right there during this time and I was engaged in a program defined to help the World Refugee Agency in this country. For some reason, I can only say that many of my beloved Afghans are in this country. As refugees and as few as possible Willing to work for refugees and most of them women who are uneducated and poorly educated, who are having difficulty in providing infinite salaries and have a hard life, the Afghan Embassy will help them, but in spite of global aid There are so many problems with her, and I tried to define life expectancy and a daily schedule for them, and I could do it to get the best out of the least.

We have to admit that today's world, with all its breadth, has a very small globe, with which humans have no choice but to help each other. We have to admit if we need a human who needs it today ...

If he does not help, perhaps he will have to be redressed from today because of the problems that have come to seek revenge against others and the dangers that threaten the future of human society.

Education, food, clothing, and roofing on the head are the first rights of a human being that all people in the world should be thinking about providing for the needy.

Maybe I can not change someone's life, but without a doubt, we can change the lives of one person, so let's go together and walk, though a small step, let's accept that it's time to start with our relatives, relatives, friends, acquaintances , Neighbors and fellow citizens, and those who have taken refuge in us and whose name is refugee.

Or right

Jafar Saberi

Tajik capital's Monday

 داستان پناهندگان؛ تصاویر دردناک سال ۲۰۱۵


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