International Counselors Foundation Foundation of Reconciliation

ساخت وبلاگ

In the name of the Most Gracious, Most Merciful


International Counselors Foundation Foundation of Reconciliation

With plenty of respect

Hereby informs you that the Foundation of International Advisers is the Foundation of Reconciliation

It is made up of inventors and entrepreneurs, and formed the concept of developing industry, production, employment, health, treatment, education and environmental protection, and the task of advising and transferring information to other countries for self-definition. has done.

Considering the global attitude to the above, we will be happy to give you the opportunity to serve and advise us in the country so that we can provide you with our humanitarian services. These are as follows:

Cultural and artistic spirit

Social and welfare benefits

Industrial and scientific services

Agricultural Services

Therapeutic tourism

Which will be remarkable for the development of the tourist industry as well as job creation, business and income generation, as well as better conditions for introducing the country.

Because all of this center needs direct government support, our services will not be in the form of a private company, and government assemblies should not be supported by us!

Cultural and artistic spirit

Holds the second film festival, which will have a global reputation.

Social, welfare and urban services

We have implemented some welfare and urban programs in Iran and Tehran.

An Environmental Letter.

Industry and science sector

The discovery of a motorized system that can transform enormous fuels without any environmental pollution or even charging in the automotive industry.

Or the construction of small refineries for the refining of petroleum products and even the recycling of plastics from our abilities.

Agricultural Services

Agricultural sector programs include the operation and development of this sector, including a pump and a water purification and water treatment system, which will also transfer the technology to other countries, and this will bring you financial resources. .

Therapeutic tourism

One of the most important capabilities and capacities of every country is the tourist attraction for treatment, which by carrying out our plans can bring significant currency resources in the infrastructure sector and in attracting foreign currency.

I look forward to seeing you and meeting with the relevant experts and authorities for me and my team.

It is worth noting that these services can help to reduce the cost of employment and income, especially for refugees in that country.

We will be glad to have the opportunity to meet and discuss.



Jafar Saberi

Secretary-General of the International Counselors Foundation Foundation for Reconciliation


Contact Us:



[email protected]

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